Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Holy Basil


How fast do they adapt? Humans you mean?

They go ferrel in 3 days with no water or food access. 

In 2020, it seems so long ago doesn't it? when there was a mass 'encouragement ' for people to wear masks over their nose and mouth. So many people did it knowing that it was not just useless but actually harmful, they disconnected neurons and did it because they didn't want to become a social pariah, pure adaption/adoption.

So how fast do they adapt? The mind less ones that focus more on their animal behavior adapt in social settings in minutes. This is not insulting, it can be considered intelligent, to notice that everyone else is doing 'it', what ever 'it' is, and they might not know why, or think they do, they in turn will also mimic certain behavior/s. There will be multiple reasons why depending on the individual and never lose sight that even in group settings we are discussing individuals behavior. A couple reasons and this of course wouldn't be all and are in no special order: they want to fit in/don't care to stick out, if everyone is doing it there must be a reason why, the whole lemurs jumping off bridges thing. 

People are odd in truth when you really get in their heads.

Have you ever seen a sign in a tunnel that said, 'DO NOT HONK!', and you get that itch and you want to just to disobey some stupid sign put up by some one just doing their job, because someone who runs something at a government level doesn't like loud noises, and you hear behind you as you think the thought, "BeeeeeeeP!" and you laugh and honk your horn too, as you join in, and then there comes the barrage of noise from the belly of the mountain, or under some bridge and tunnel to cross a river. "Beeeeeep!", "Honk! Honk!", "Honk!". You were just thinking about it when someone else did it as soon as they saw the sign but you were busy obeying thinking how stupid it was, but when you press down on the middle of your steering wheel and let loose your cannon noise, you forget you were obyeing until the moment you heard someone else say, "Fuck the system!" from the belly of their own beast, but you think to your self, "it was your idea", but you waited till someone else did it, because you obey. If you don't do it right away, the "Honk!" as soon as you see it, you are the follower. You adapted well.

Once in a world so far from this one I was in New Orleans, the sound of jazz music and saxophones, dueling pianos and loud voices trying to hear each other filled the air, and smoke. I stood in this space surrounded by mass amounts of people and when someone came near me I said, "I'm in line." Then I would chat with whom ever it was, the line got 15 deep before I turned and walked away. Most people love to be told what to do. Most people think they don't like being told what to do, but they really do and do 'it' anyway, fashion, tattoos, mannerisms, etc. (This does not include state laws that quintile tax you and you have to obey because the threat of violence from the state is a factor.)  

Let's say you enter an office building, paper pushers and red tape makers kind of office building. There are rows of people working diligently at their some tidy desks others with cartoon paraphernalia of fat super heroes with capes, and potted plants on theirs. There are some standing at a water fountain and have paper cones in their hands as they chat; and they all have masks covering their noses and mouths. There is a desk at the entry way and there is a basket with masks so you take one and put it on. It's not hard to believe because people did it, and you know how they know they were had, they get mad when you bring it up. On an average, most people get angry when they have been conned and find out, then they make an excuse cause there is no way they were that dumb, they think themselves smarter then the average person, they also believe themselves to be good drivers, probably, (this is almost all people.)

The covering of the nose and mouth reasoning could be different then the above reasons, they could be paranoid with concerns to germ theory. It is just a theory, but explaining theory to a person who thinks themselves selves to be above average intelligence and doesn't know or misremembers how small virus particles are then they are not doing it because of 'germ theory', they are doing it because they do not want to be a social pariah. If they actually do understand and know particle size and the damage done when breathing back in our own exhaust, they will make an excuse for doing something they know is not correct. They adapted well.

Who ever is reading this, you may agree with me, but would you be able to resist the four lights when there are three? every time. 

Refuse man kinds directions. 

Be still and listen

One day I will tell you a story

Why Holy Basil?

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