Friday, February 21, 2014

Everybody should be scared.

When do we become to scared to post a blog, a comment, text, speak on the phone…

The Obama administration is going un-checked and is out of control.
The main stream media have been targeted but still find excuses for the actions of President Obama and HIS administration…HIS choice of cabinet members…HIS choice to take NO responsibility for the actions of HIS administration.

This is going to sound ludicrous to some…but I’m sure the Germans that turned a blind eye to the Nazi’s actions also didn’t see what was coming and was truly going on. (I’m aware of the extreme comparison…)
…Our founding Fathers our turning in their graves!
Our Constitution and its Amendments are not only under attack but have been disregarded by our Government.

This IS how it starts.

When our country came under attack on 9-11 President Bush enacted the Patriot Act…
Would hindsight tell us that it was a BIG mistake?
If your answer isn't a big fat yes I have nothing to say to you...

I would like to see our past President apologize to US the American people…for enacting the Patriot act and giving that power to our now President who it seems does not like our country, our Constitution or Amendments and is SO ‘politically correct’ and unaware that terrorism is alive and well…he doesn’t think we should use the words ‘Islamic or Musilum terrorists’.

President Obama has made us impotent in the eyes of the world. He makes it seem he knows nothing of world politics and/or that we have enemies and who they are. Yes, we have enemies...

A little advice for our Dear Leader President Obama, you can not have diplomacy with out the power and might of the armed forces looking down on those that are stepping over bounds.
Who's is the Leader at the moment that has stepped up to the plate to...use diplomacy to 'help out'?

I'll tell you who it is...
Vladimir Putin: former Colonel in the FSB/KGB, a man that made the position of Prime Minister the power position when he was the Prime Minister, the man the made 'President' the power position when he's the President...he just keeps switching it around. Russia is not a communist country in a true might be worse than that.
Russia is so overwhelmed with corruption it's comical..."if you haven't paid off that person in the last 30 minutes you can't trust them". Some times I think Putin is the head of the Russian Mafia...the Russian Mafia is a scary thing.

Vladimir Putin would like to take the USSR back...and all that it entailed.

Pray tell...????? If this is the new world order we need new leaders...

I'm not going into the details of money, oil rights, human rights, control over the media, persecution of those that oppose the Presidents views, lies told to the people...
Which country am I TALKING ABOUT? Either pick.

1 comment:

  1. My boyfriend had me read this and I find I end up reading every post he makes, because no matter WHAT people are talking about, the subject is in THIS book.....our government wrote it back in the 60's and it makes my stomach churn.......
