Friday, November 8, 2013

The American Dream-With Strength Comes Peace

With strength comes peace

Our President has given away our strength
... to the corrupt and communist Putin.
… to the muslim brotherhood.
… to the aitola khomeini (because if you think the ‘president of Iran has power you are wrong. That is like saying Medvedev had power when he was President and Putin was Prime Minister).

Our President is acting like fool.
Our President will negotiate with Syria, Iran, the muslim brotherhood (and have them over for lunch)…
…but NOT OUR elected Senators and Congressmen.

What is OUR Presidents goal? Is this some April fools joke?

Do you know why we need a Defense Budget?

With Strength comes Peace

We ARE at war with a religion. Terrorist's exist. They want to kill anyone that doesn’t believe what they do…to include their own. Shia and Sunni… What year is this? Have we learned nothing? Have THEY learned nothing?

We (The President of the United States Of America, Barak Hussain Obama) are(is) giving with open arms peace away.
“We are safer now than we were five years ago…” -President Obama to the UN

We are not safer.
When we find the truth about Benghazi…We will find out our President and his cabinet's agenda.

Why would for weeks the Obama Administration LIE to the American people about how/why our brave men died in Benghazi…
Our Main stream Media doesn’t think this is a story… but that LIE (there is no arguing it’s a lie)..
CBS news is ‘trying’ but not doing it’s job yet.

Meanwhile in Iran…they are weeks/months away from a nuclear weapon.
If I was Israel I would destroy them now.

Fuck it. I sit here and I write and write…I hardly publish my blogs anymore because it’s useless. I used to think I could change something. I thought maybe if I spoke up people would hear me.
I’m finding out that the American people are deaf. They are dumb. They are the problem. 47 million people are on food stamps asking “what’s in for ME?”
Our President lies and lies (yes, that’s what he does…often by omission), the media ignores it and bows before him. People say…”but Bush…” Stop it. Focus on what is going on NOW!!!
Putin the communist is the most powerful man in the world.
Our President is most likely in the Muslim Brotherhood, that’s if Obama is in charge at all!
Nidal Hasan (the Ft Hood terrorist) is being tried for “work place violence”- BULL SHIT …he’s a TERRORIST!!!
You can’t say “illegal immigrant” anymore because it might hurt someone’s feelings…because they are here ILLEGALLY!!! as in…HERE AGAINST THE LAW…

Oh…did you know we(our government) are/is still in sequestration? That’s different than the 16 day government shut down. Our President decided when the sequestration started that he should close down “the people’s” house …the White House…to save money (that’s gonna save a ton of money).
So…forward a bit to the roll out of the ACA/ObamaCare debacle.
The administration just re-opened the White House…we are still in the sequestration. Has nobody but me noticed.

Note…I quit smoking. The last two paragraphs I edited…they were just swear word after swear word. I put a patch on…let that kick in and edited them. I’m laughing out loud at myself. If you are insulted because I insulted you then YOU are the problem…maybe that patch hasn’t kicked in all the way yet;).

Bond vs The United States
Look it up…
The Obama administration doesn’t care about you, your Rights or our Constitution…

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