Wednesday, March 15, 2023



Did someone ask for new conspiracy there is no way that it could possibly be true but could in fact be true but like always if we are aware we can take care theories?

Man is not to leave the bubble of his existence. Seriously, that's a real thing, that we are being stopped from traveling to the moon and beyond by all means necessary.  

If this is even a thing, its reeeeediculous. 

Don't we have people getting ready to go the moon soon? Supposedly Scheduled 2024, Artemis 2.

Such a conspiracy it would take to stop space. Really? Keep your radar on, just for the fun. 

Also "why" would be a big question when you can actually see with your eyes, and feel it under your bum as you fly your helicopter a safe distance if a rescue is in need. This progress is being made in preparation for a future of farther space travel. Dec 1972 was the last time we walked on the moon. Some more supposedly because in true fact 'we' have never seen the other side of the moon. To see something you have to know to look for it or a way to see around a barrier?

The Space Station is in orbit around earth, or I like to imagine it as always falling as the earth spins and pushes matter out ward like a soft breeze to hold her up. 

It's way better to focus on the fun of space travel then deal with the debacle here on earth; which earth? The one were you have a cell phone and an electric car and they systematically block black out your city because they can't or won't manage even a city with thought, or was it organic as in a bunch of people got together with out you and planed a future, again, you aren't included. Or do you live in an apartment in a small town, driving a Buick with rust colour worn velvet seats? Or do you live in a place where the carpet covers a dirt floor and you have to fill your plastic jug of water from the faucet down the street? 


it'll be a peer to peer fight

no more space travel




I find myself on repeat.

I love the ideology of the United States of America; Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. I don't care for the Federal State..."Erase the State". that's a challenge to be sure. most people (is red tape a skill?) work for the state. are you sure that statement is accurate? Yes, numbers indexed properly, what the State pays contractors + State workers (including the post office and in most counting when you do a quick google search the number presented is almost aways minus the postmen, including contractors (logistics, maintenance, services, research and development et all (I'm sure I just used 'et all' incorrectly, I hope you get the flow.) do they have hobbies? those could be skills, if they have talent. Some one needs to fix the roads. The roads built quickly and cheaply. The quickest newest is not the best. the state supplies approves the space travel. if we cease the state you erase the space? Why do we need space travel? if you don't know why we need to spread far and wide through the galaxy and the off farther, this is our purpose...leave our mother. 

Modernity is the retardation of intelligence and health and at the same time the expanse of both. at what cost? intelligence is that what separates you from animals. Are you really just an animal? your chatbot can read this and judges you and every website you have ever visited in an instant. or does it?  

Can you see the thoughts with your eyes or can you hear them when you close your eyes?  You have to be still nothing can be in the way

I said awhile back if Russia went into Ukraine no one would do anything because after China went into Hong Kong everyone stood back and let it happen. If I say a 'same same' joke would ya get it? Why did we let it happen? Crimea too. We are in big trouble. They want this war to engulf the world while they battle their citizens on their home turf. There is no place to go. There are no good guys but if you think Russia started this mess you are a moron...find someone who actually knows something and can explain 'We' via OTAN want Russia to start a war...that's why it's called the special military operation and not a war. If you don't know about 2014 and bankers and Biden in Ukraine then I don't know how to point to the actual path of corruption that is in front of your should be a topic of open conversation that WE are encroaching. Make sure you know the truth when you tell your suppose you are deploying, then your children, not like the last times. (just an fyi to add to conspiracies, war is good for economies, and you know it. Russian, European, US (we are masters)

My brothers used to play a game with me. They would stand in front of me as close as they could and circle their long arms around me with out touching me; the game of dare began..."Don't touch me!" I would giggle. "Don't touch me!" in the stern voice of a bigger brother as he tested me...and I giggled some more. "Don't touch me!!!" I always refused the game, I didn't want to hurt them.

A long time ago in a space and moment of people deciding for others we built our military to fight 2 hold 1, then after some erosion... fight 1, hold 2; those were Empire building days. Now it's what happens if China and Russia joining forces. Are you a real person? I know I am as our my Children and yours. Are you ready for this? will they put you in an <odd limbo?>

There were battles yes but all for the baubles of people you will never meet or know, meanwhile it was our friends, your son, daughter, brother, sister, mother or father that was mangled or blown to pieces while they built their Empire on the backs of regular people looking for a way into a system because we know that is the way out from the bottom...become the system. This is what systematic racism is

I am of the understanding we are in the midst of a global revolution where peace is not allowed. You should revolt against that.

I'll keep saying it. 


What's the uniform of the day?

And just to add that touch of honesty to the conversation I am having with me, Our Lady of Fatima chimes in and says 'hey, sweetie, remind them again.' Our Holy Mother by any other name and her command is my duty.

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