Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I am not nagging you

“We leave in 20 minutes.”
“Did I sign your planner?”
“Is your homework in your backpack?”
“Brush your teeth.”
“Did you put your snack in your backpack?”
“We leave in 10 minutes.”
“Put your shoes and socks on.” -not in that order.
“I’m getting in the car!”
“Do you have a coat or a hoodie?”

Them…”Stop nagging!”
Me…”I’m not nagging. I am your mother and my job is to kiss your faces, give you hugs and make sure you have the tools to have a successful day.”

Last night as we sat around the dinner table discussing our day I made my BrownNut cry…because I gave her some advice and some harsh truths about the world. (She is 11.)

She had told me that her friends are, “the popular kids…” and had played, at least 4 times with one Child that doesn’t have any friends…
Me…”Ok…I’m gonna say somethings and you won’t really understand yet but it’s my job as your Mother.”
“If your friend is nice to you but rude to the waiter they are not a nice person.”
“If you hang out with rude people others will assume you are as well.”
That last one is the hardest to understand at a young age. I try to instill a ‘don’t judge the book by it’s cover’ kinda thing.
The real world though is different. We are judged by the company we choose.
She cried because she came to the conclusion that people aren’t nice…I then explained that many people aren’t but some are.

Being a parent is not easy. It’s the hardest most rewarding job in the world.

Later that evening…
Me…”My job is to help you become more awesome than I am when you reach my age. Good luck with that…” …And we all laughed.

Thank you Mom and Dad for teaching me how to be a parent (not always winning the Mom of the year award though). Your value system and the constant repetition of things I hated to hear were the right things to say to me.
How to properly pronounce ‘nuclear’.
That all people are equal.
Don’t be a mooch (on society).
Not to end sentences in prepositions.
Your actions and choices are yours alone.
Don’t play the blame game.

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